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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Big Beautiful Pinterest Pins

Have any of you pinned your products from Teachers Pay Teachers and the thumbnails seem too small? Well after seeing some of the big beautiful pins by other pinners I researched how to make my stand out and guess what? SUCCESS. It isn't really hard, here is all you have to do.

1. First make sure that you have an image on your computer of the pin you want to use.

2. Go to the Pinterest board you want to pin on and click on the blank "Add a Pin" spot.

3. Upload your picture. You also get to add a description of your pin on the same page so don't forget to use keywords that relate to your product. Upload the pin.

4. To get a link back to the product on your TPT store you have to click on edit button on the pin and there will be a spot for your to input the link back to your product on TPT! EASY PEASY

If you have any questions about this please email me.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall Break

It's hard to but it is fall break all ready! I just received a call from one of my teacher friends telling me about her parent teacher conferences tonight. That got me to thinking, do any of you use a special form during conferences? I need to create a new one and am looking for some fresh ideas on the format. I also want to create a new "Homework" page to give parents when they leave so they can give me feedback on the conference and ask any questions they may have forgotten to ask. What do you think?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Great Free Websites for Summer Skills Practice

Summer is time for having fun, going on vacation, playing outside and above all no school. It's a great time to make memories with friends and family, but it is also a time when your child could forget some of the skills he was taught in school. Fortunately, there are some great free websites that you can go to that will not only help your child practice his/her math, language arts, social studies, and science skills but helps them learn in a fun way. I use many of these in the classroom with my students suring the school year and they love them. I hope you find one that fits your needs and helps your child grow. http://www.starfall.com Starfall is a great website for early childhood students. They can practice their phonics and reading skills by playing games and listening to stories. You can also order a workbook, puzzles, games, readers, and other products that reinforce what your child is learning on the website. I used Stafall a lot when I taught first grade. It's fun, colorful, engaging and the student love it. http://www.abcya.com ABCya is a website that is designed for student in K4-5th. You can choose the grade level your child is in or a higher or lower one based upon their ability.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Win a $25 Visa Gift Card

The Giveaway is under way! It's easy to enter, simply share my blog on your Facebook page then follow me on Teachers Pay Teachers. You can earn an extra entry if you purchase something from my store! No purchase is necessary to enter!>a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Giveaway has ended and the winners have been drawn. Thanks to all of you who took the time to visit my page. Best wishes.
Good Morning The giveaway has ended and the winners have been notified. Thanks so much to those of you who took the time to enter. Have a super day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Giveaway

Enter to win four of my newest products: Primer Sight Word Readers, Draw and Write Activities, Beginning Phonics Sorts, and a bundle of sight word games. Just follow me on Teachers Pay Teachers and you are entered. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, June 9, 2014

Will This Rain Ever Stop?

It has been raining for over a week now and according to the news it is going to last at least another week! It has rained so much I am beginning to grow gills and webs between my fingers and toes! Not really but if this continues for too long I am going to try to talk my husband into moving somewhere drier.  I've been working on creating teaching resources but it is going slowly these days-I'm spending a lot of time trying to figure out this blogger stuff. Speaking of this blogger stuff look for a newly updated and more attractive blog soon!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Common Core Standards Posters for your Classroom

If you need common core posters written in kid friendly language you've come to the right place. Just click on the links below to find the common core goodies you are looking for. All the standards are written first in academic language then in kid friendly terms. Why recreate the wheel when I've already done it for you!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Blogging Fun
I'm spending this Sunday trying to figure out how to get my blog formatted correctly, UGH!! Next step is adding links to my products on Teachers Pay Teachers. I have a feeling I am going to be up ALL night.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Just purchased a TON of new clip art and can't wait to start creating with it tonight. If you need some sight word activities for your classroom check these out

Friday, May 23, 2014

Common Core Help

If you need resources that are aligned to Common Core Standards check out my store on Teachers Pay Teachers. Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth - TeachersPayTeachers.com TPT is a great place to get most anything you need for your classroom. Click on this link if you want to open your own TPT store. Come back often, I add new things daily.